Crate contiguous_map[][src]

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Contains ContiguousMap: a map that stores values with adjacent keys contiguously so they may be accessed as a slice.


Macro for creating a ContiguousMap.


An ordered, associative container like std::collections::BTreeMap. Additionally stores values with adjacent keys contiguously so they may be accessed as a slice.

An owning iterator over all (Key, Value) entries in a ContiguousMap in ascending key order.

An iterator over all (Key, &Value) entries in a ContiguousMap in ascending key order.

A mutable iterator over all (Key, &mut Value) entries in a ContiguousMap in ascending key order.

An iterator over all the contiguous (&Key, &[Value]) entries in a ContiguousMap in ascending key order.

A mutable iterator over all the contiguous (&Key, &mut [Value]) entries in a ContiguousMap in ascending key order.

An owning iterator over all the contiguous (Key, Vec<Value>) entries in a ContiguousMap in ascending key order.

An iterator over a range of (Key, &Value) entries in a ContiguousMap in ascending key order.

An iterator over a range of (Key, &mut Value) entries in a ContiguousMap in ascending key order.


Trait similar to std::ops::RangeBounds that requires an inclusive start to the range.

Trait that must be implemented for all key types used in a ContiguousMap.

Trait to convert a type to an index that implements the Key trait.

Trait to convert an index that implements the Key trait to a different type.